Monday, 3 August 2015

Week 1:
Multimedia Design Principles.

White Space
The correct use of white space on your website will give it a very clean design. These empty spaces will make sure your website is easy to look and breaks the monotony of text and visuals. It prevents your website from looking crammed up or cluttered from too many text and visual content.

Type of Font
The font type you chose for your text is very important. Fonts are able to greatly influence the look and feel of your site. The text cannot be too small or too large. Text that is too large would look disproportionate on a website, and too small font won’t be readable. The font element needs to be consistent throughout all your pages on the site.

There is no point of creating a well portioned website with attractive visual and appropriate content if the website design as a whole fails to be informative and helpful to your audience. Answer the question of who is your audience and make certain the website is efficient for them to use.

Visual Hierarchy
Certain components of your website are more important than others and deserve more attention. Your website is going to be arranged from top to bottom with a viewer’s eyes checking what’s on top first and then, trailing to the bottom. Important components like your services, call to action, about your brand, etc will be on top.

Your website needs to be well sized. Whether it is a 15 inch screen or a 30 inch screen, the website should fit well on the screen size. It cannot be too large or too small. Getting a good proportion size right is even more important with more and more internet users accessing website through their mobiles. Also, the content, tabs, visuals and other components need to complement each other well in the space they occupy on the site.

Although gaining attention is an important part of any  communication  act,  it  is  important  trying  to
Keep the message as simple as possible (Showier and  Misanchuk, 1993).  Using only the amount of text and  graphics  used  should  be  absolutely  necessary  to get   the   point   across.   Superfluous   graphics   can Interfere with understanding (Anglin et  al., 1996; Levie & Lentz, 1982) and an overabundance of fonts or colours can distract rather than assist perception.

According to Ulrich (2001),  this  principle  refers to the reliable placement of content on every page of the sit. This consistency  is  obtained  by  an  adequate placement   of   various   items,   like   orientation information,   navigation   devices,   student   input, feedback, operating instructions.

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