Monday 17 August 2015

Task 2
Creating game.

Mind map

                                                            Story/message              skills/levels/stages

                                              Layout -- ---- Creating game  ----Genre/type


1) Story/message; This is the story based on the game being created. Before a game is made of thought of a story must be created to define the type of game to be made.

2) Genre/type. In here we have Adventure, Action, Strategy, dating game etc. all this are different types of games made.

3) Skills/levels/stages. In every game the are stages which you have to pass through to to advance in the game.

4)Layout: Here we have Environmental Design(UI: User Interface), Structure and Navigation (UX)

5)Character.This can be in any kind of form, shape and size depending on the designer and the game involved. 

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