Website Evaluation
Currency: Direct students to check for the date
the Web site may have been last updated (often at the bottom of the Web page).
Last revision date more than three years ago? Check another resource.
Authorship: Students should ask the following
questions about the Web site: Who wrote the Web page or Web site? What makes
that individual or organization qualified to write it? Who sponsors the Web
page’s information?
Purpose: This is tricky for most students. Is
the Web site informational, entertaining, factual, and does it promote a
product or service? Who is the intended audience? Does the information seem
credible? If so, can you check the information against another resource (i.e. book,
journal article, newspaper, etc.) for credibility?
Objectivity: Students should critically evaluate
whether or not the information on the Web site is biased or factual. Are
opinions balanced or does the author have an agenda? How do you tell? Check the
information against another credible source (i.e. book, journal article,
newspaper, etc.).
Writing Style: Students should check to verify if
the Web site contains a bibliography of references or a comprehensive list to
other sources supporting its theme, topic, or agenda. If some of those other
sources are Web sites, do the links work? If facts or statistics are noted, ask
students to check the validity of those facts or statistics against another
credible source.
“Life is not about can and cannot,
it’s about what you are willing to do”
This site is expanciated into 3 parts
Based on innovation better
courts can help in our extensive knowledge of the field. I believe our courts
can not only process cases more quickly and differently, but also help reduce
reoffending; reduce cost and better protect our communities.
-The court should treat
all parties with fairness both victims and defendants.
-It should focus on the
needs and backgrounds of the people who come to meet them.
-They should act with
authority and swiftness.
Youth Diversion.
We should try and keep youth
people out of the court whenever possible because it has been indicated that
when young people are formally involved in the justice system early, it can
actually increase their offending and lengthen their criminal careers.
Community Justice.
Innovation has helped the court in
so many ways especially making it possible for offenders to be supervised,
rehabilitated and reintegrated into their communities. Offenders live and are
supervised our communities through and detective device in a form of a
wristwatch or leg band (Innovation).
Innovation helps the court
especially in research areas to be able to access and store information’s
centuries ago. Make it easier to find them when needed at any particular time.
They also help the court
in constructing better secured court houses against attack because a lot of
violence happens in the court house.
Our organisation are the ones who
bring up the ideas, innovation and the resources to make the court a better for
the people. Without us the court won’t
be working effectively.
for Business Innovation site.
site is a governmental site which is a based on business department innovation
and skills.
The government use this department for economic
growth. The department invest in skills and education to promote trade, boost
innovation and help people to start and grow a business.
Department have 28 polices.
-Improving the quality of
further education and skills training
Making free colleges from central government
Improving better career advice.
-Making companies more
accountable to shareholders and the public.
-Supporting economic
growth through local enterprise partnerships and enterprise zones.
-Preventing and reducing
anticompetitive activities.
-Producing better
information and protection for consumers.
-Engaging the public in
science and engineering.
-Creating strong and safer
-Making the labour market
more flexible, efficient and fair.
-Making it easier to
The site
is an innovation charity with a mission to help people and organisation bring
great ideas to life.
Everyone should have equal access to all
of life’s opportunities. However this statement does not ring true for the
12.2million people living in UK who are disabled or have a limiting long term
Many disabled people rely on assisted
living technologies to support them in their everyday life’s. But there is a
strong view that the development and manufacture of aids, adaptations and
products has kept pace with the use of new technologies, materials, design and
manufacturing processes seen in other areas,( sport related products for
disabled people being the notable exception).
I think this is a great initiative
and hope disable people will communicate what would most help them and what
does more innovation in this area is
need as is good design so technology and aids are things of beauty. The people
would be very interested in your result and in particular hearing of technology
which helps the independent and skills of people with hearing disabilities.
The Innovation Institute is a professional body and a leading
provider of SciTech innovation and growth services to business, education and
government. Guided by its Innovation Council, NEF: The Innovation Institute
influences policy and supports its members, partners and stakeholders to
achieve performance excellence and stimulate innovation.
NEF works with over 500 companies
impacting their business performance and talent development NEF has a mandate
to assure the skills in all the UK Nuclear Site Licensed companies working
closely with the National Skills Academy Nuclear.
NEF works with Government and
agencies to support innovation and knowledge and technology transfer programmes.
NEF’s engagement through evidential
research and think tanks has shaped a number of whitepapers and policies to
support scientific development and growth.
NEF has supported the professional
development of some 2000 lecturers and awarded grants to over 250 colleges in
the UK which has positively impacted some 450,000 students
NEF has implemented science,
engineering and technology strategies in over 50 educational providers and
assurance schemes to support local and regional economic development in line
with Intelligent College Model to ensure educational providers deliver 21st
century fit for the purpose learning.
NEF works closely with over 40
universities to support workplace learning and innovation programmes
§ Culture
and leadership
§ fostering
§ Investment
strategy to support market and product development
§ Sustainable
growth strategy and the role of innovation
§ Embracing
and embedding innovative practices
§ Policy
interventions driving and promoting innovation
§ Regulatory
frameworks facilitating
§ Cross
disciplinary practices driving creativity and innovation
§ Enabling
educators as learning transfer agents
§ Educational
providers shaping regional economic dynamics

Centre for Global Eco-Innovation
The Centre for Global Eco-Innovation is the only centre of its kind in
Europe and is part financed by the European Regional Development Fund. It
brings together the expertise, resources and global contacts of Lancaster
University and the University of Liverpool, together with international
commercialisation consultancy Inventya Ltd. SME-led collaborative R&D partnership
with two world-ranking universities underpin the development of new products,
processes and services for the global marketplace, which by virtue of their
use, manufacture, raw materials, reuse or disposal, deliver positive
environmental impacts.
Meaning of Eco-innovation
The development of new and improvement of existing products,
processes and services which provide customer and business value and deliver a
significant decrease in environmental impacts. For us it's a global issue so we
welcome solutions which have world-wide application.
The economic impact of
the centre
Between 2012 and 215 the
centre will provide more than 285 businesses with research and development
expertise. The centre aims to deliver a significant number of new jobs to the
region making a measurable contribution to the Northwest's economic recovery.
The centre will bolster the Northwest economy in key export markets and drive
forward improvements in green technology and services.
The centre has set ambitious targets in this
regard, with the aim of quantifying a range of significant environmental
impacts, including:
§ The prevention of
27,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.
§ The saving of 46,000
mega-litres of water The re-use of 30,000 tonnes of materials.
§ The diversion of
55,000 tonnes of waste from landfill.
All the five sites are being driven
and motivated by innovation.
All are talk about how to make the
society a better place for the people who live in it.
How to motivate once mind to develop
ideas that are beyond imagination.
Security, improving the eco-system.
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