Saturday 30 May 2015

Task 3, 4, 5, 6

Character Designs; Drawings

Fig 1
Doctor:  kaire
kaire is in charge of medical issue in the expedition.
He makes sure everyone is medically fit  each day, he also take analysis of the environment around were they stay to prevent any disease or viral outbreak that could jeopardise the mission.    

Fig 2
Bodyguard:  Snipes 
He is in charge of security, protect everyone at all cost.
Snipes never sleeps.

Fig 3
Scientist:  Ela
Ela is the chief scientist, one of the best in the country. He has more experience in expedition than anyone else, he is considered a genius. 

Fig 4
Assistant scientist: Green 
The assistant to Ela, he keeps records of all the days activities and analysis them. He was also the person who volunteered to enter the portal, when it was considered save to try.

Fig 5
Boss: Snitch
The CEO of TEVIC  industries, he sponsored the expedition locating the portal which was detected in Mantin in Malaysia. He loves power and was consumed by it.   

Fig  6


                                                                        Fig 7

Main Characters Digital.
Fig 8 . Green

Fig 9. Snitch

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