Monday 23 March 2015

Week: 2
Topic: Future of Mantin 2050

Chapter 1
   The Warm hole.
                  The story begins when five Americans discovered a buzzing electromagnetic wave energy (EMWE) coming from a small town in Malaysia called Mantin.( a place still undergoing development), from their space station in USA , California (NASA).
                  After days of confirming what kind of source can produce that amount of energy. The sat sail with their crew of genius(specialist in all fields ) , and equipment's in all fields to discover the source at its origin, Mantin, Malaysia. Through the sea, days and night passed as the experienced strong storms and heavy rains. Accidents happened along the way but it wasn't serious. It took a couple of months before the could see sun rise setting from the port side of eaten Malaysian border.
Fig 1

Fig 2

chapter 2. coming soon  Tuesday

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