Thursday, 9 April 2015

Task 3
Topic: Friendship

Experimental/ scanned / Edited Pictures.

                                                                              Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 1(freestyle)

The picture was taken while in motion. 

Fig 2( Into the future)
looking into the future, means in deep thoughts about life from the beginning still date

Fig 3(Bunding)
keeping the friendship better every single day as time passes by.

Fig 4(Fun)
Fun has a lot of benefit, if you look at the picture above you. Their faces and facial expression
shows they are. Fun bunds friendship. 

Fig 5(Exploit)
Exploitation with friends is the best and even alone makes you know new people too.


                     In here, there are eight pictures. All representing the same meaning but in different ways. Friendship is not just having fun or going out people you call friends, its being able to understand, help, communicate and stand by them when they are down. Its having each others back in anytime. 
                     The first picture at the top left shows a group of friends going for horse riding, having fun and interacting to each other. 
                     Top right shows two guys kissing a girl on he chick. kissing can indicate many things
 its all depends on how its shown.
                     Interacting with each other, expressing oneself how the feel about  each other. Its bonds the trust between them.
                     The central picture (wavy), people taking selfie. Its documentation of their time together.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Character Design and Creation.


fig 1(side and back view)

Fig 2 ( Front View)

               MINOTAURUS (Minotaur’s), a monster with a human body and a bull's head, or, according to others, with the body of an ox and a human head; is said to have been the offspring of the intercourse of Pasiphae with the bull sent from the sea to Minos, who shut him up in the Cnossian labyrinth, and fed him with the bodies of the youths and maidens whom the Athenians at fixed times were obliged to send to Minos as tribute. The monster was slain by Theseus. It was often represented by ancient artists either alone in the labyrinth, or engaged in the struggle with Theseus

              THE MINOTAUROS (or Minotaur) was a bull-headed monster born to Queen Pasiphae of Krete after she had coupled with a bull.
The creature resided in the twisting maze of the labyrinth, where he was offered a regular sacrifice of youths and maids to satisfy his cannibalistic hunger. He was eventually destroyed by the hero Theseus.
              The Minotauros' proper name Asterion, "the starry one," suggests he was associated with the constellation Tauros.  (


Fig 1(side view)

Fig 2(Front view)

Fig 3(Back view)

              The Centaur's are half man, and half horse. They have the body of a horse but, in place of the horses head the have the torso, head and arms of a man. Most are wild and savage, known for lustfulness and drunkenness. The exception is the wise Centaur Chiron.
The father of Centaurs was Centaurus, who was held in disrepute by both men and gods. Some accounts claim that he was the son of Apollo and Stilbe but, the more interesting accounts say he was fathered by Ixion. He gave birth to the race of Centaurs by mating with Magnesium mares.

             The pivotal event in the history of the Centaurs was their war with the Lapiths. King Peirithous of the Lapiths inherited part of Thessaly from his father Ixion. The Centaurs as grandsons of Ixion claimed they were entitled to part of the land. After a first round of fighting a peace was arranged. Peirithous invited the Centaurs to his wedding. Here the Centaurs became drunk, then violent. Under the lead of Eurytion they attempted to carry off the Lapith women. In the resulting battle the Centaurs were defeated and driven from the area.  (


Fig 1 (front view)

Fig 2 (side view)

Cyclops were giants of the Greek Mythology with only one eye in their forehead, children of the earth, Gaea .They ate humans, were thick and had given Zeus the thunder and lightning as a sign of gratitude when he released them from the underworld. They worked as Hephaestus helpers under the volcano Etna making Zeus's lightning's, but were killed by Apollo as a revenge for Zeus's killing his son Asclepius.

The most famous Cyclops was Polyphemus who Odysseus blinded after making him drunk.


Fig 1

Fig 2

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Task 4
Date; 3/04/15

Report On Gempak Starz Visit.
       Gempak  Starz is renowned comic and graphic company both local and international, the have local and foreign  artist working with them. This helps them to advance so fast in creativity. A Life Filled with Inspiration, Energy, Joy and Discovery is their Vision and Creative Life.


In side the studio

In Gempak Starz the have different sections were all the works pass through
The Story line/Editing  studio
The Sketch studio
The Tracing/story board studio
The Digital/painting Studio.
The Printing studio.

Gempak Starz have various products such as
Graphic novels

During the trip did some exploitation and had fun too 
The Wall of Creativity.

Artist at work

Artist at work


Sample Drawings

Sample Drawings

exhibition room
